Privacy Policy

Game controllerAbout i-Game

i-Game is a research project funded by the European Commission under its Horizon Europe program. The project aims to create an accessible open-source platform for the design and development of video games. This platform will facilitate the co-creation of games by different interested parties in ecosystems of cultural and creative sectors and industries (CCSI), to enhance innovation with a positive impact on social cohesion and sustainability.

The i-Game project consortium, consisting of organisations and entities with diverse backgrounds and expertise, ensures the interdisciplinary approach required to address the complex issue of the impact of games on innovation, sustainability, social cohesion, and economic growth.

The i-Game Website is one of our most important communication tools. Here, we communicate our work, outputs, results, news, events, useful material and blogs. 


CaptainAbout KEPA, the partner in charge of the i-Game website

The i-Game website, contact forms, and newsletters are operated and managed by KEPA, the partner responsible for the communication and dissemination activities of the project. 


  • Business and Cultural Development Centre – KEPA

  • Address:
    Leda-Maria Block, Hermes building
    6th km Xarilaou-Thermi
    PC 57001 Thermi, Thessaloniki

  • Tel.:  +30 2310-365.430, +30 2310-365.432

  • Fax: +30 2310-365.438

  • e-mail:

  • url:

UsersAbout you 

Personal data from the website’s visitors and i-Game newsletter’s subscribers will be collected. We will never process your personal data for direct marketing purposes.

Question mark
About this website and the type of personal data processed and the purposes for which they will be collected

For contact forms and newsletter, KEPA will process the following: Name, Surname, Email Address. 

We are using the following services to run the i-Game website. We rely on 

  • “Wordpress” for the website   

  • “Complianz” for the cookies policy generation and cookie banner management 

  • “Mailpoet” for the newsletter

  • “Google Analytics” for measuring the website traffic for the project dissemination and impact metrics. 

For Google analytics we paid attention to activate the privacy settings available in order to minimize data collection and anonymize user information. Complianz will automatically block Google Analytics cookies until the user has given consent. The automatic anonymization of visitor’s IP address is enabled and advertising features in Google Analytics are disabled to prevent the collection of additional user data. Google analytics enables us to report about success metrics regarding i-Game, but also to report about Key Performance Indicators for the project dissemination. It enables tracking of basic pageviews, user interactions, user lifetime (tracking activities), active users, duration of the e-visit, first time users and returning users.



GearsHow will these data be collected? 

  • By subscribing to the newsletter For subscribing to the i-Game newsletter, subscription form appears in every single page and sub-pages of the website. 

  • By accepting the cookies and then navigating the website: for the cookies, a cookie banner will appear when you enter the website the first time. You can always manage your cookies choices. 

  • By contacting us through our contact forms. i-Game contact forms are available on the website. 

About your rights as a data subjects 

At any time, 

  • You can request information about the scope of processing of your personal data without costs. You can request information about the purposes, categories of information, recipients, retention, source of collection, transfer to third-countries (non-EU Member States). Moreover, the data subject is entitled to receive a copy of such data. 

  • You are entitled to request modification or deletion of your personal data.  

  • You have the right to lodge a complaint regarding data protection issues with any data protection authority within the European Union

  • You have the right to request that your data are suspended from being processed, if the data are inaccurate or unlawfully or unnecessarily processed.

  • You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data, unless the processing is conducted on public interest grounds

If you wish to exercise one of the rights outlined above or several of them, you can directly fill in our contact form

To avoid misuse, however, please establish your identity in a suitable form. In order for us to be able to provide you with information quickly and efficiently, please make sure to include in your request as concrete information as possible. For instance, you should specify which of these rights you would like to exercise and which processing activity you are referring to. 

 KEPA will provide you with the necessary information according to Art 15 GDPR at the latest within one month of receipt. In exceptional cases, this period may be extended. In this case, you will be informed accordingly. 

KEPA are committed to respond in a timely manner to any inquiry you may have, and comply with any reasonable exercise of your rights listed above. However, you should be aware that, each time your requests are not satisfactorily fulfilled by the controller, or you believe that your rights have been violated, recourse to data protection authorities or to the ordinary judicial branch are still possible. 

Security measures and access control  

Appropriate security policies, rules and technical measures are implemented to protect your personal data from unauthorised access. Only the administrators of the website will have access to the personal data.  KEPA commits that their employees, who have access to, and are associated with the processing of personal data, are obliged to respect the confidentiality of your personal data. Access control and authentication-based environments are applied to the access to data-sets containing personal data.

The access is based on login/password and access rights can be defined for each data item for each user.

Data retention

If immediate deletion does not occur, it means we have a legal obligation and/or a research purpose to archive the data for contractual reasons or scientific research purposes. Specifically, the data will be retained for the duration of the project implementation period (3 years), plus an additional 5 years, as we are required to keep it active after the project’s conclusion. 


Data will be held electronically and will be retained, stored, deleted or destroyed in line with legislative and regulatory guidelines applicable. Data will be retained in a secure location where only authorised persons will have access. Once the retention period has elapsed, the documents will be reviewed, archived or confidentially destroyed depending on their purpose.

Data retained will go through an accuracy check and will be regularly updated following the information communicated by data subjects. 

Magnifying glass

A cookie is a small text file that can be stored on your computer when you visit websites. When you visit the website later again, this cookie returns to the concerned website. In this way, the website recognizes your browser and can for example retain some data such as a preferred language. More information about cookies can be found on this link:

For managing the cookies on the i-Game website, Complianz’s services are used. Complianz is a WordPress plugin that helps websites comply with various privacy laws, such as GDPR, CCPA, and others. Its primary function is to manage cookie consent and ensure legal compliance.

We only use the data included in our cookie policy for analytics purposes if you have given your consent to the use of our analytics tool. 

If you don’t make a choice in the banner, no cookies will be deployed (either essential or non-essential).

No longer want the cookies 

You can simply withdraw your consent by modifying your choice. 

If you wish to know which cookies have been saved on your device or if you can delete them, you can use a parameter of your browser. You will find more information on how to do it via the following links.

If you use another browser, you can check if the procedure for your browser is mentioned in this explanatory website.

The i-Game website contains links to external content. By clicking to these links you are leaving the i-Game website. The activation of these links is the responsibility of the user.  We recommend consulting the privacy statement as well as the cookie policy of the site concerned.

Share with person
Others with whom personal data are (can be) shared

  • We are using the following services to run the i-Game website. We rely on 

  • “Wordpress” for the website   

  • “Complianz” for the cookies policy generation and cookie banner management 

  • “Mailpoet” for the newsletter

  • “Google Analytics” for measuring the website traffic for the project dissemination and impact metrics. 

  • Data Protection Authorities or Judicial Authorities where requested: in case of a proceeding or decision.


PoliceData Protection Officer (DPO)

Do you want to exercise your rights, do you have a question or a complaint in relation to how this website processes your personal data? Contact KEPA and their Data Protection Officer, Mr. Spyros Skotidas through the contact form present on our website.



RepeatChanges To This Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy may be updated from time to time. You are advised to consult periodically this website page containing the Privacy Policy for any changes.  

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